By R. C. Hickman
Series: Barker Texas History Center Series
Publisher: Texas State Historical Association
Book Details: 128 pages, 9.5 x 12.2 inches, photographs
ISBN: 978-0-876-11136-9
Publication Status: Out of Print
R. C. Hickman has assured that a significant part of the American experience will not be ignominiously assigned to the dust bin of history. . . . These photographs are powerful reminders that, for much longer than many believe, black Americans have been an important part of mainstream America. Only the daunting factor of race has kept them invisible. These are images of the ordinary lives of extraordinary people who succeeded in spite of all the obstacles in their path, and who eventually demanded and, in important ways, won their rights. R. C. Hickman’s photographs are important documents that capture a significant moment in twentieth-century American life.
—Barbara Jordan, from the preface
This remarkable book reproduces over one hundred photographs taken by R. C. Hickman, a professional photographer whose exceptional work provides a fascinating visual record of life in Dallas’s black community during the three decades following World War II.
R. C. Hickman died in Dallas on December 1, 2007.