Unflinching Courage: Pioneering Women Who Shaped Texas, book signing and reception, May 9, 2013
Unflinching Courage:
Pioneering Women Who Shaped Texas
featuring author and Distinguished Alumna
Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison
Thursday, May 9, 2013
5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
The Etter-Harbin Alumni Center’s
Connally Ballroom
2110 San Jacinto Boulevard
Austin, Texas 78712
Celebrate the release of Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison’s new book, Unflinching Courage: Pioneering Women Who Shaped Texas, with a discussion and book signing. The book explores the strength, bravery, and spirit of Texas’ remarkable women and their accomplishments.
Books may be purchased at the event, and a reception will follow the discussion. Parking is available in the San Jacinto Garage (2401 San Jacinto Boulevard) and will be validated at the event. Business attire.
Reservations required; please RSVP by May 3 to Kristen Nesbitt at rsvp.cah@austin.utexas.edu or (512) 495-4609.
Published by HarperCollins.