Edited by Wanda Garner Cash and Ed Sterling
Twelve essays that explore the role of the Texas Press Association in informing the electorate, promoting business, advancing the public good, and improving the quality of life for all Texans.
Series: Barker Texas History Center Series
Publisher: Center for American History
Book Details: 183 pages, 6 x 9 inches, 14 illustrations|
ISBN: 978-0-976-66970-8
Publication Status: In Print
From the days when printed newspapers were a rare commodity to the era of the Internet and mass communications, Texas newspapers have provided a provocative and critical look at the history of the Lone Star State. Newspapers are often called the “first drafts of history.” In honor of the 125th anniversary of the Texas Press Association, a group of outstanding authors and columnists has contributed essays on the changing face of the state, its people, and its landscape. This book includes articles that reflect the variety and color of the daily newspaper—all with a Texas twist.
Edited by Texas journalists Wanda Cash and Ed Sterling, The News in Texas recounts the stories of courageous publishers who used their columns to challenge inequities and injustices. Essays discuss the challenges that faced the earliest Texas publishers of the nineteenth century and how women overcame the male-dominated newsrooms and executive offices. In the 1930s, Texas newspapers created the mania for the Texas Centennial and forever altered the image of the state. Humor, crime, business, entertainment, sports, controversy—all appear in this lively collection of accounts about the newspapers and the men and women who provided the news. The book also includes Texas Pulitzer Prize winners and information on the history of the Texas Press Association.
Wanda Garner Cash is editor and publisher of the Baytown Sun. A community newspaper veteran with more than twenty-five years’ experience, she has also worked at the Brazosport Facts, Galveston County Daily News, Kerrville Times, and Ingram News (of which she was owner, editor, and publisher).
Ed Sterling is Director of Member Services for the Texas Press Association in Austin. He has worked for the Canyon News, Tulia Herald, Amarillo Globe-News, and Alpine Avalanche.