Program date: July 14, 2016
Speakers: Nancy Beck Young, H. W. Brands, Mark Updegrove, and Don Carleton
President Harry S. Truman’s career and legacy was closely connected to those of Vice President John Nance Garner, House Speaker Sam Rayburn, and President Lyndon B. Johnson. As the operator of museums dedicated to the lives of Garner and Rayburn — as well as being a frequent collaborator with the LBJ Presidential Library — the Briscoe Center was delighted to sponsor the 40th anniversary of the Truman Scholars. The anniversary event, which took place in June at the State Department in Washington, D.C., was comprised of both celebration and discussion. The center’s role was three-fold. We were the sole sponsor of the event, we curated an exhibit of photographs from the center’s archives that documented Truman’s career and connections, and we organized the above panel discussion outlining Truman’s relationships with Garner, Rayburn and Johnson.